The teen years offer the most opportunity for growth and change, as well as for influence. Adolescents often struggle with knowing how to fit in and find their place in this world. Teens face questions and pressure around their identity, sexuality, family dynamics, drugs and alcohol, school and grades, bullying and peer pressure to name a few. As a parent of an adolescent, you may not know how to help, or what will get through to them, but reaching out to a professional who can guide and assist you and your family along this process is a great first step.
Counseling for adolescents offers the opportunity for teens to speak about what’s going on in their lives, connect with their emotions, and explore other ways of coping. Being a teenager is tough, but being a teenager in New York City presents different types of challenges that other parts of the country do not face. We recognize that being a parent to a teen can be just as difficult and stressful on the parent. You may have fears and concerns and not know how to address them with your teen.
When participating in adolescent therapy it is expected that parents attend sessions periodically and are active participants in the process. Though individual adolescent therapy is beneficial, working to address the problems together is essential. You know your child better than anyone else, and your insight is invaluable and encouraged. Addressing this from a collaborative and systemic approach helps your teen feel understood, loved, and supported. During a time when teens can feel lost and alone, they know that you care and are there for them.